GBTC Vs. GLD: What Is The Real ‘Digital Gold’ In A ‘Risk Off’ Market?


  • The article explores the ongoing debate about digital gold, focusing on year-to-date total returns for GLD and GBTC.
  • Gold in ETF format is becoming nearly as liquid as crypto with T+1 instituted in 2024.
  • GLD has shown resilience in the face of a rising VIX, showing that this is the real digital gold risk off asset.
  • GBTC and Bitcoin can both serve a place in a portfolio, but in a possible recession, investors will look for preservation of value versus appreciation.
American Eagle Gold Coin Bullion Investment Obversessucsy

The debate about digital gold

There is an emerging divergence in the conversation about what Bitcoin (BTC) actually represents. I covered Bitcoin in an article just once. My outlook was not one that was

Taxable as capital gains

Selling crypto for cash: Did you sell your crypto for U.S. dollars? You’ll owe taxes if you sell your assets for more than you paid for them. If you sell at a loss, you may be able to deduct that loss on your taxes.

Converting one crypto to another: When you use bitcoin to buy ether, for example, you technically have to sell your bitcoin before you buy a new asset. Because this is a sale, the IRS considers it taxable. You’ll owe taxes if you sold your bitcoin for more than you paid for it.

Spending crypto on goods and services: If you use bitcoin to buy a pizza, for example, you’ll likely owe taxes on the transaction. To the IRS, spending crypto isn’t that much different from selling it. You need to sell the asset before it can be exchanged for a good or service, and selling crypto makes it subject to capital gains taxes.


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