Government Precious Metals Seizures-Part II: What Could Keep Them From Occurring?

In Part I of this article, discussion centered around the likelihood that the US government would institute measures to attempt to confiscate private precious metals stores. Although this scenario is a possibility, it is more likely that confiscation of silver and gold would be accomplished by less transparent methods.

Policing entities would be at war with the American people if blatant confiscation were attempted. Today’s lightning-fast information highway would allow much greater polarization and organization of citizens to defeat such efforts.

Currently, public disobedience is practically a mainstream way of life. The difficulty of mobilizing adequate enforcement would be compounded by the media, whose daily assaults on federal endeavors to rob average citizens would be front and center. Banks and Wall Street moguls might be the first targets. Lawmakers would be unlikely to risk tarnishing the American “greatest nation on earth” image by attempting such direct and public seizures of personal wealth.


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