Have Those Who Failed to Invest in Precious Metals Missed the Boat?

Man Standing Pier Seeing Boat Leave OceanWith gold and silver portfolio gains approaching eighty percent in the last four years, many previously skittish investors are still sitting on the sidelines. In comparison, stock and bond investors, even savvy ones, like Warren Buffett, have mostly flat-lined over the last few years.

Observation of cautious precious metals buyers may cue those who already own silver and gold to sell. The resulting dip could create an additional upswing in precious metals valuations.

By all indications, there is still a potential upside in precious metals. World debt crises continue, and central banks still own precious metals as a hedge against poor planning and imprudent fiscal decisions.

Regular investors know that rapid, steep climbs could signal the end of any bull market bubble. However, precious metals, silver, in particular, continue their lateral movements. Silver and gold are still a safe buy, taking into account these time-tried market signals. There is still time to take advantage of precious metal’s slow upward momentum.

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