Silver Catalyst May Eventually Replace Chlorine for Water Purification Use

Pool water and drinking water have been purified with ionic silver for many years. Silver is well known to provide effective treatment against the growth of bacteria, and other harmful organisms. Most water purifiers sold in the United States contain some form of silver. These products are designed to eliminate chlorine, lead and other particulates, bacteria, odor and trihalomethanes from drinking water. The build up of bacteria and algae are also diminished by use of silver in water filtration.

More than fifty percent of money spent annually on consumer water purification systems, is used for obtaining water purifying methods that employ silver in their processes. Recent research shows promise for a new sanitizing catalyst, produced from the combination of silver and oxygen. Expectations are high for the silver catalyst, which could replace chlorine for many water purification uses. This catalyst may be preferred over chlorinated compounds, since it does not display the harsh chemical and corrosive effects of chlorine.

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