Silver Is At Least “As Good As Gold” For Crisis Investing

Gold has long been known as a superior method of capital preservation when high inflation results from the devaluation of fiat currencies. Inflation looms large in current economic conditions, as governments wind up their printing presses to produce enough currency to stem the tide of bad economic news. Printing money is, however, only a temporary solution for the world’s fiscal woes.

Gold bugs maintain that silver will never perform as well as gold during world financial upheaval, but gold’s little brother has shown us that this is not necessarily so. Silver’s dual usage as both monetary metal and industrial raw material, although often driving the white metal’s volatility, could prove to be the salvation of silver investors, particularly in extremely difficult periods of currency inflation.

Less cash buys greater amounts of physical silver, which are easily liquidated for transactions of any size. Silver has always comprised the circulating monetary medium of choice. Silver purchasing by those who cannot afford gold could rocket silver to greater percentage highs, as average investors seek to preserve their socio-economic positions.

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