Customer Testimonials

I received my shipment today. Very satisfied. Quick service. I will buy again. Thank you so much,Joe


I received another safely and securely packaged shipment today, along with the stellar service I've now come to expect from GSM. Thanks again.

James Williamson

Many thanks to Golden State Mint for the affordable international shipping rates (only $35 USD) for the 45 oz. of Silver Shield rounds that I order 2-3 times each month to resell on Ebay Australia.

I really appreciate that GSM provides the means and affordability to make such beautiful Silver Art Rounds available to all the collectors of Silver Shield in Australia. I also have my eye on your other rounds too, top quality at a great price.

The variety of rounds that GSM produces are amazing and attract higher premiums and hands down beat all the native animals from the Perth Mint. Cheers from Down Under

Toni Peterson ... Mint Silver Coins ... Australia

I just received my very first timely shipment from GSM. So pleased... Right down to the secure packaging. And the service, of course, everything. Thank you so much. You've got faithful customer from here on in. :)

James W.

I received another perfectly executed shipment today and I could not be any more pleased with the product, the packaging and the professional folks at GSM.


I love GSM the quality of these coins are top notch never had a problem they provide a great service and product. Im a fairly new stacker and enjoy the variety . I started with eagles and got bored at 10 of them they are nice to have dont get me wrong but I like looking through my silver and seeing some flavor and thats what GSM provides I do hope to see more 1oz bar designs though Please can you start a Tank series I know you can come up with something like machines of oil or greed or something idk just a thought i love tanks


Great company, friendly customer service, Quality metals. I received an order today, Beautiful silver. Packaging was perfect. Will buy again. Thank You GSM and the people behind the scenes.


I ordered the random copper and was thrilled GSM took the time to give me a mix. I know it is not promised but very pleased at the variety. Thanks GSM


Received my 2nd order from GSM. Very happy with product selection, quality and packaging. Check clearing policy does add about a week compared to other online dealers but when order does ship it is very quick and tracked. I will order again from GSM. Thanks for quality handling.


I have been buying from GSM for over a year now, Excellent Customer Service! My Favorite Online Bullion Dealer!


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