Customer Testimonials

I appreciate the knowledge and skills GSM offers. I look forward to investing with GSM to secure my future .


Well, once again, Golden State Mint came thru as expected. Excellent product. Excellent price. Excellent service. What more can we ask for? Very timely delivery. Exactly as promised.


I have placed many orders with Golden State Mint and they are above reproach with speedy delivery and willingness to work with you.


I've been buying physical metals from Golden State Mint for years and have never had a problem. I would highly recommend using them. Jim has always been trustworthy and honest in his dealings. I couldn't be happier with them.

Heather O

I have had the pleasure of dealing with Golden State Mint on several occasions. It has been a most pleasurable experience each and every time. Andrew has always been very helpful, and I will continue to give them my business.
Joe C

Joe C

I highly recommend Jim Pavakos and his company Golden State Mint as the best place to purchase Gold and Silver. Jim works with each client personally as he educates through many years of experience with gold and silver. Jim is extremely honest and always does what he says he will do.


When I started looking for a Mint to work with 10 years ago, I called nearly every private Mint in the USA. I found Jim & Andrew at the Golden State Mint to be the most trustworthy, professional, and pleasant to deal with.

David Silva
(Silver Stampede)

This is the second order I've received from Golden State Mint. The photos of their products do not do the actual product justice. All rounds, copper, silver, and gold, are meticulously hand crafted, and are works of art. Andrew is always a professional, and is always a pleasure to do business with. Golden State's business model is simply the best,
and I will only do business with them. Feel confident with any and all purchases you make.

Tom D

The People - Jim and Andrew
The Product - Gold, Silver, Copper
The Process - Delivery and Marketing
The Price

Were all excellent. As good as it gets.

Tom D

The one ounce silver Buffalo and Morgan rounds my wife and I purchased are magnificent. They are of artisan quality, and the price was very competitive.
We do not hesitate to recommend Golden State Mint. Their quality and prices are exceptional, and their service is outstanding.

Tom D

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